Instagram @Hyteen

Instagram @Hyteen

Tuesday 26 January 2016


『If there is any person in this world that I think I owe them much, it will only be my parents.』




上个周末终于带了一家人去尝试赫赫有名的 myBurgerLab。爸爸妈妈平日都不爱花费,逢出去吃一定往大排档去。要不是弟弟生日,我根本拉不动他们。况且要他们到那么流行的餐馆吃东西,我看得出他们心里难免都会有一些忐忑不安——害怕不会点餐、害怕点错餐、害怕自己的犹豫不决、害怕与那么时髦的服务员沟通。我很开心他们当天终于踏出了第一步,放心地让我带他们去尝试新的东西。那种感觉真的很美好 :)


Sunday 17 January 2016





我把大学一年级和二年级大部分的时光都给了社团活动,特别是 AIESEC。回想二年前刚进入大学,就是有股劲儿想把自己的时间有多满就填多满。两年下来,一直为活动四处奔波,努力兼顾着我那摇摇欲坠的成绩。终于两年也算熬过来了。到了第三年,真的还觉得蛮累的。为了所谓的提升自己,两年里我已经牺牲了很多与自己在乎的人相处的时间。所以到了第三年,我想把它们弥补回来。也正因为如此,这次的寒假,像妈妈说的,总算看到了悠闲的我。以前的寒假暑假都得往这里跑往那里跑,假期过得比上课考试还要压力。这次,总算可以再次尝到与家人好好呆在家里客厅看电视的感觉。感恩 :)


寒假也开始一个礼拜了。这一个礼拜也算过得充实。寒假第一天就开始为下学期的实习铺路了。发了好几封的求职电邮。老天还算蛮眷顾我的,当天下午就收到了其中一间公司的答复,两天后面试。当下既紧张又兴奋,应允了公司就开始收集资料,自己与自己练习面试。毕竟自从脱离了AIESEC后,我已经很久没有再锻炼过自己了,说话的信心、应变能力也尘封了好久。结果,第一场面试并没有表现得很好。公司的环境我的确很喜欢,interviewer 也算友善,言语交谈上觉得自己也算应对如流。可最后却是败在自己缺乏了相关行业所需要的基本知识。面试完毕,顿时觉得被录取的机率被削减了一半。可上天却好像感应到了我的挫败感,马上又为我开了另一扇门。刚从公司走出来就接到了另一间公司的来电。同样是两天后面试。欣喜地回到家,之后的一天半我都在忙着搜寻和阅读精算和保险的文章。这一次,面试完毕后不到一小时,公司来电说我被录取了。之后的一整天,我高兴得横扫了两集哈利波特的电影。



Sunday 2 August 2015


To own a cafe has always been one of my dreams.  I've always been telling this to Potatoh, but not anyone else.  I do not have any business background.  Nor do I know anything about coffee-brewing.  All I like is the aroma of coffee and the atmosphere created in it.  Potatoh knows that I like coffee. He will bring me out to explore different coffee shops whenever both of us are free.   He also knows that I know nothing about coffee :P

The idea of visiting this cafe has never come to my mind when I reached Taiwan.  I've even forgotten that it is located in Taiwan.  Until one day when this movie suddenly struck my mind.

So, one day, me and Doreen decided to pay a visit here.  It was a random decision.  We sent Mari to Taipei Main Station in the morning and since we were already outside, we continued to make our way to Qizhang MRT Station.  From the MRT station, we then walked about 2 minutes to reach the nearest bus station. From there, we took a bus which brought us to Jingmei Girls High School.  Cafe.Waiting.Love is just about 3 minutes' walk from the school.  Credits to Google Map.

Cafe.Waiting.Love is a romantic comedy originated from a novel by Giddens Ko.  The story revolves around a mysterious cafe named Cafe.Waiting.Love (等一个人咖啡).  In the story, a professional barista works in the cafe and she is able to make any type of coffee according to her customers' order.

The cafe, as mysterious as it seems, were almost full-house, given that the space inside is pretty small.  Each table has a time limit of 2 hours.  Also, it is compulsory for every customer to at least order one drink.

The coffees were given different names.  Very special names indeed.

Ohh have I mentioned to you?  She is Doreen!

Doreen's Homemade Mocha Latte (自家摩卡拿铁).
NTD 135

My Hot Mistress (热小三).
NTD 155
P/S: Contains alcohol

As my cup of Hot Mistress contains alcohol, the waitress further confirmed with us whether we are above 18 years old.  I was quite happy that we were deemed young.

At first, I was kind of afraid that my order would turn out weird.  It was my first time trying a coffee with alcohol.  But surprisingly, the lemon skin slices on top, the coffee and the alcohol, blended well together.  The lemon skin slices exuded a fresh aroma.  The alcohol, being covered by the bitterness of the coffee, didn't taste that strong.  I like it really much.  

We never tried the food as we were on limited budget.  I would really love to come back another day to try the other types of coffee here.

Me and my awkward pose before we left.

Perhaps it's time to start learning more about coffee, and not just let my dream stays as a dream.

No. 1, Lane 44, 
Yishou St, Wenshan District, 
Taipei City, 116

Thursday 30 July 2015

The 'Why'

It has been exactly one year since I last blogged.

The idea to start a new blog has actually stricken my mind for quite some time.  And yes, only until now that I have the time to actually sit in front of the laptop and to start what my heart has been missing for long -- writing.

Currently, I am here in Taiwan, undergoing my Global Citizen Programme registered under an international youth-run organization called AIESEC.  I am based in one of the AIESEC local committees here in Taiwan, which is AIESEC in Fu Jen Catholic University (FJU), to run a project named Dream School Project.  Together with the organizing committee team here, we organize English Summer Camp for Taiwanese students aged between 12 to 17 years old.  There will be a total of 3 camps within 6 weeks.  So far, we have successfully conducted 2 camps, and the third one will be starting in one week's time.

Going through a journey without recording anything is like a puzzle with missing pieces.  Realizing this, thus, this blog is created.  To readopt a habit after a one-year gap, I am sure that it will be kind of rusty.  But it's never too late, huh?  *wink*

Why Footie Steppies?
Well, it actually means foot steps.  I just have a habit of adding the suffix -ie to any word which I deem cute :D

To know more about AIESEC Global Citizen Programme:
To know more about AIESEC: